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Honduras Finca Liquidámbar

Honduras Finca Liquidámbar

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Tasting notes: Cherry juice, raisin, cola, herbal, dark chocolate

Info about this delightful coffee from the importers, Royal Coffee:

"HONDURAS FT-USA ORGANIC LIQUIDAMBAR YELLOW HONEY is produced by Roberto Rene González and milled as a single farm micro-lot at RAOS (Cooperativa Regional de Agricultores Orgánicos de la Sierra) where Roberto is a member and the general manager. Roberto and his family own a 37 acre farm called Finca Liquidámbar located in the community of Guascotoro within the municipality of San Jose in the department of La Paz, Honduras. Roberto was one of the first in his community to earn a university degree. After graduating with a degree in business management, Roberto returned home to manage RAOS and to help his family run the coffee farm. Roberto is currently working to get 19 acres of his farm formally recognized as a biological reserve. The goal is for the reserve to become a destination for tourism in the area. "